Currently · Winter

Snow Day 2018

Okay, so it is officially a Snow Day!  For the south, pretty much everything has to shut down because our area is not equipped for this type of weather.  We officially went back to school yesterday for a teacher workday and was greeted with the welcoming news that our winter holiday would be extended just a little longer.  🙂

Here are some pics from this beautiful day! Hope you enjoy!  We sure did!  



Have you gotten snow in your area this winter?  How is your New Year going so far?

21 thoughts on “Snow Day 2018

    1. It really is and it is still lingering around since the temps are so low! I heard about the blizzard that came your way. I don’t think we could ever handle anything like that. Happy New Year!


    1. Yes, I was like a little kid all bright eyed and excited. It has stuck around as well. My yard is still covered. Only the sidewalk and driveway have melted. Happy New Year!


  1. We haven’t had a snow day here, in South West England for many years, I’m jealous, as the snow is great if you haven’t got to go anywhere meaning that you can enjoy it#trafficjamweekend@_karendennis


    1. The snow makes everything looks so pretty and brings about a sense of renewal. I loved having the snow, but it kind of shuts the city down. Icy rain fell first so the roads are very slippery now. Enjoy your New Year!


    1. I am ready to get out and about again, but there is so much ice on the roads now. Charleston just isn’t used to this type of weather. I go back to work (2nd job) tomorrow, but it’s only 2 miles away. Hope your winter doesn’t get too bad. Enjoy!


  2. Oh my! That is a lot of snow! So pretty!

    I think though if we had snow like that here in Southern Az it would be like the apocalypse had come 🙂


    1. It was very pretty. Unfortunately, ice came first and many of our roads are still iced over. Schools have been cancelled again until Wednesday. A whole week out, I hope we don’t have to make up these days.


    1. Thank you so much. I have been having trouble with my site a lot lately. Went on a business conference, and then got the flu. I missed a lot of comments so truly apologize for just responding. Thanks for stopping by!


    1. I was much appreciative of the colder weather. Now that it has warmed up, pollen is everywhere and my allergies are going haywire. I have been having trouble with my site a lot lately. When on a business conference, and then got the flu. I missed a lot of comments so truly apologize for just responding. Thanks for stopping by!


  3. Lovely pictures. Enjoy the snow days. We have snow, but we have also been in the deep freeze. almost two weeks of bitter cold–so happy to curl up in a chair with a blanket and a book.


    1. I appreciated the colder weather because it prolong allergy season a little longer for me. Now, I’m suffering. I have been having trouble with my site a lot lately. When on a business conference, and then got the flu. I missed a lot of comments so truly apologize for just responding. Thanks for stopping by!


  4. Moving from New England to NC was a shock to my parents. They were used to blizzards shutting down things, but their neighbors were shocked when my “elderly” parents would risk getting out on the road after a light snow. My parents thought nothing of a dusting of snow.

    I can only imagine what this does to your area.


    1. Yes, many people laugh at us, but we are not equipped to handle this weather. I have been having trouble with my site a lot lately. When on a business conference, and then got the flu. I missed a lot of comments so truly apologize for just responding. Thanks for stopping by!


    1. Thank you so much. I have been having trouble with my site a lot lately. When on a business conference, and then got the flu. I missed a lot of comments so truly apologize for just responding. Thanks for stopping by!


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