TBB Asks


Happy New Year everyone!  Is it still okay to say that?  Of course it is!  Today, I’m joining The Blended Blog with the monthly TBB Ask link up questionnaire.  You can join in, too!

TBB ask January.jpg

  • Resolutions or No Resolutions?  No resolutions for me.  These tend to be forgotten.
  • Love snow, but we don’t usually get it in my area.  However, Winter Storm Grayson paid us a visit and turn the Charleston area upside down.  Did you not catch my Snow Day post that spoke all about it?  You can find more pics about it on my Instagram account.    snowday8
  • A new place to go…hummmhhhh?  Honestly, I haven’t thought about it.  Right now I don’t have the funds to travel as I would like, so international travel is out of the question.  I don’t really have a new place I want to go this year.  I want to be able to travel and see family in the states that I haven’t seen in awhile.
  • New hair cut or new hair color.  I could definitely use some hair color to cover up all these wisdom streaks that are taking over my beautiful brown tresses.  I actually said this to myself today after washing my hair. I need to pay a visit to my hairdresser real soon.  No temporary rinse this time.  
  • One special thing I want to do for myself this year…hummmhhhh…that shouldn’t be hard to answer, but it is.  I guess just to take better care of myself.  I have been slacking in the self-care part and I need to do a better job of it.
  • The least favorite thing about January is that it is the busiest time of year for me as a school counselor.  I have to meet with close to 100 parents to get 8th graders ready for high school as well as other meetings that may come up.  

    Yes, this picture is from two years ago.  🙂
  • Most favorite thing about January is that it is the start of a new year.  It’s like we put all the bad things that happened in the last year to bed and move on to new and better things.
  • Holiday decorations go down as the New Year is coming in!
  • Diet is a four letter word…you dig.  🙂
  • I don’t really have an area of my home that needs to be organized.  I actually keep every room organized, except the junk room.  That’s why it’s called the junk room, you throw all your junk in there so it doesn’t need to be organized, right?  Lol…
  • My favorite winter comfort food is SOUP!  All kinds of soup from my homemade taco soup, to the many different brands you can buy at the store.  
  • My favorite guilty pleasure is chocolate and according to Facebook…Margaronas!  They keep appearing in my history several times a year.  So what’s yours? magaronapic

Well that’s a little about me, so what about you?  Join us and share in the fun!

7 thoughts on “TBB ASKS ~ NEW YEAR, NEW YOU!

  1. Yay for an unexpected snow day, how fun! My husband had a snow day yesterday (he’s a teacher–but in school to be a counselor too!) and it was nice to have him home. I work from home on Thursdays and Fridays and it was nice to have the help with the kids! 🙂 I’m with you on soup–that sounds SO good right now, I wish I had some ready to go for lunch. Happy new year!


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