


Oh gosh, (biting my nails), what have I gotten myself into?  Do, I really want to do this?  What am I saying?  Its already been done.  As you know I’m making the switch from Blogger and now I’m starting to feel OVERWHELMED!

I was so excited to see that my blog name was no longer being used that I instantly clicked that button to begin this journey.  Well, maybe I clicked the button too fast.  Well, what’s done is done and you have to deal with it. Right?  There’s just so much to figure out.

I was chatting earlier, with my SITS-tahs, over at The SITS Girls Sharefest!  If you haven’t joined in, you are truly missing out!  I was able to talk with other blogging friends about making my switch and any suggestions they could offer.  I can always trust this group of friends to be there for me in my time of need and they were all so supportive and giving.

So, now that my bucket’s filled with the tools I need to continue my switch, my journey is on its way.  As I mentioned in my previous post, this switch will take some time and I’m not by any means in a rush.  I am excited and looking forward to the challenges that lie ahead of me, but nervous to say the least.

Psst, guess what?  At the time I wrote this, I hadn’t even published my first post which was sitting around, as a draft, for three weeks.   Lol, pray for me.

41 thoughts on “Overwhelmed

    1. You are such a sweetheart and I don’t know how you do it all! i do need to set a schedule. i’m so discombobulated right now I can’t think straight. Thanks for the support!


  1. You can do it! I was so scared to make the switch, but it’s been wonderful. And SITS is definitely wonderful. You made a great choice asking them for support. Thanks again for joining the #happynowlinkup!


    1. The SITS girls are wonderful and have such great advice about everything. I have a few blogging friends that also made the switch helping me. Thanks for stopping by.


  2. I am thinking about making the switch over to WordPress too & can tell that it’s going to be quite a process! Sounds like you have a good group of people to help you out though! Good luck!


    1. Yes! If you haven’t joined in on the SITS Sharefest chat you should try to from time to time. Every Saturday morning 10am Eastern time on Twitter. Its like an addiction and you learn so much valuable stuff. I haven’t been able to go through everything they suggested to me, but will do so slowly.


  3. I just love SITS Sharefest! I started following them after I went to one of their bootcamps. I wish there was a Blogging 101 conference/class somewhere. Someone that can take you step by step on how to start a blog. I’m looking forward to the change, its just a lot to take in. Thanks so much for being so supportive and I love linking up with you guys! 🙂


  4. Take it one day at a time. Making a switch can be overwhelming, so just learn to walk away for a few minutes or hours if you feel overwhelmed. Making your blog look and feel like you want wont happen in a day, but when it does, it’ll be so so worth it. Let me know if you need more help!


    1. Thanks Maria! You have such a calming nature. Reading this reminded me to stop and rest. Thank you for being there for me. So glad to have friends like you in my corner. 🙂


    1. Okay, I don’t know what I’m doing at times. If you were to look back, you will see that I typed this 2 days ago…to myself. Lol, Thanks for stopping by!. I just checked out your blog and realize that we may have attended college at the same time. I was at Winthrop for a couple of years before transferring back home. We have so much in common. I have twins, but mine are much older. Glad to have made your acquaintance.


  5. Thanks for stopping by!. I just checked out your blog and realize that we may have attended college at the same time. I was at Winthrop for a couple of years before transferring back home. We have so much in common. I have twins, but mine are much older. Glad to have made your acquaintance.


  6. Good luck! I’m still overwhelmed. I just had no idea how much was involved in all this! All we can do is learn as we go. #trafficjamweekend


  7. Found you via SITS =) I also just switched after many many years on Blogger and to say I was overwhelmed would be an understatement!!! Learning different verbiage and clicking this or that button…banging head on wall!! Haha. But…You got this! =)


    1. Yes! The platforms are so different. So much to learn. New plug-ins. I hope by summer to have things up and running as I would like. Thanks for the encouragement! 🙂


  8. Change is definitely overwhelming. I’m making some changes with my blog and I find myself alternating between overwhelmed and excited. I’m hoping excitement wins out more than overwhelm. LOL


    1. I think exciting is going to win for us both. There are so many differences with the platforms and I just need a class or someone to tell me everything. Lol, good luck with everything on your end and thanks for stopping by.


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