#spboxswap · box swap · SWAPS

Fall Box Swap Reveal

Happy Halloween  and Feliz Dia de los Muertos!  The year is going by fast!  Before we know it, the winter holidays will be here and we’ll be celebrating a new year.  But let’s not think about that right now.  Let’s just slow things down a bit and enjoy what we have left of fall!Speaking of… Continue reading Fall Box Swap Reveal

#spboxswap · SWAPS

Sweet Progress Fall Box Swap Reveal

It’s Fall and I can truly say I’ve been enjoying it this year.  We have had unseasonable, cooler weather so this has allowed me to get into the mood.  Surprisingly, I have not had much pumpkin.  I had some pumpkin cheesecake at a faculty gathering and some pumpkin, cheesecake cookies from Pepperidge Farms.  Other than… Continue reading Sweet Progress Fall Box Swap Reveal