Coffee Talk Confession

Coffee Talk Confession


coffeetalk_picmonkeyedThis summer was a tough one for me.  The school year ended on a rough note.  Responsibilities were placed upon me and my cohorts that should not have.  I lost an uncle who was near and dear to my heart.  The social unrest in America really took a toll on my spirit.  It really made me feel some type of way.  I wrote the following one night when I was not feeling my best.  I’ve reread it several types since and have thought about erasing it, but something always stops me from doing so. 

One night, I couldn’t rest and my thoughts began to flee and I realized that it was meant for me to share my thoughts.  We all have moments that we may not be so proud of.  We all have moments of sadness and it’s okay because we are human. 

So in my most humanly way possible, I share this with you…

Wondering mind, searching for answers.
Yet nothing ever seems to come.

Broken dreams, shattering doubts, a longing to belong.
Hiding your pain behind the mask of happiness. 

Do they really see me? Am I THAT invisible….Lost.

No one really knows me.  Do they really care to know? 

A saddened heart withers at her soul.  Tearing her apart from the inside out.  Memories of the past haunt her. Complicating life.  Sadness is her reAlity!

When you lose your voice you lose your soul.  Emptiness inside.  She cries herself to sleep at night.  Empty promises lead to distrust. Not even trusting her own decisions.  Who can she turn to.  This cycle of madness has left her…Lost.

12 thoughts on “Coffee Talk Confession

  1. Lowanda!!!
    Although the context is sad and hard, it’s your art and it’s beautiful. Life isn’t always sunshine, as we all know. You should NEVER EVER be ashamed of your work, my friend. Your feelings are always valid even when they aren’t bright and cheery. It’s okay. Again, this was beautiful and raw and I’m in love with it. Give us more!! BIG HUGS!!


    1. Not sure if I responded to your comment or sent myself a comment, so I’m sending it again. Thank you Dean. You can definitely say that again. This summer was crazy for everyone. Thanks for the support.


  2. I’m sorry to hear that your summer was rough, but I hope the rest of your year is full of sunshine! I am going to send waves of good karma your way.


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